First I'll share the list: Army Faction: Nighthaunt. 8: Ironjawz. In particular a new narrative campaign made of 4 books and called Dawnbringers, will be released this year along with brand new miniatures for a dozen armies. Sunny's Purple Antimagic List - Army Faction: Nighthaunt - Subfaction: The Emerald Host - Grand Strategy: Fright or Flight - Triumph: Bloodthirsty. By RagnarokAngel. TOTAL POINTS: 1970/2000 . Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief (200)- Lore of the Underworlds: Soul Cage. 1 x Awlrach the Drowner (170) 1 x Spirit Torment (120) - Aspects of the Champion: Tunnel Master. 10: Beasts of Chaos. Age of Sigmar. It’s exactly what I played as my first ever nighthaunt game and it did very well. Nighthaunt Resources; Ossiarch Bonereapers Resources; Soulblight Gravelords Resources;. total points: 2000/2000 Alice: A powerful mix of hordes and elites. These hosts are frequently used to hold the centerline of a Nighthaunt army by engaging larger, powerful enemy units and pinning them in place. I put together this list with the models I have. TOTAL POINTS: 1990/2000 DROPS 9. Lightshard of the Harvest Moon also looks very good for a once per battle flat +1 attack on all Nighthaunt units within 12" of the hero and possibly Beacon of Nagashizzar for an emergency spirit host model heal. This is the top three AoS lists for the Lords AoS Tournament that took place in Vietnam on the 25th and 26th of March. Turn one - fan out and run Deathriders up in front of the enemy deployment zone to try and pin them and. Total: 1990 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 0 Allies: 360 / 400 Wounds: 127 I always wanted to try Arkhan, cause he fits nicely into the NH theme. Hello. Army Faction: Soulblight Gravelords. Spirit Torment. In my escalation league, this is the list I'm thinking of finishing up with. Likely a change to match the season the guardian of souls is the only nighthaunt. 7: Sylvaneth. This Nighthaunt lot consists of All are in great condition. Edited by: Andrew Gate. Advertisements. 20 x Chainrasps (220) 20 x Chainrasps (220) 20 x Grimghast Reapers (320) BEHEMOTH. This past summer, while in between projects I decided to start painting Nurgle again. The new tome replaces also the rule from the White Dwarf article. 1. Total: 1950 / 2000 Reinforced Units: 3 / 4 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 102 Drops: 9. Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead (955) Battleline. For new players, we’ll be looking at just why you might want to make any given army your own, while if you’re a veteran, this is where you’ll find in-depth insights into. ; Forgeworld standing for units produced by Forgeworld. January 8th, 2023: 1: Ogor Mawtribes 2: Stormcast Eternals 3: Skaven 4: Lumineth Realm-Lords 5: Gloomspite Gitz 6: Sylvaneth 7: Slaves to Darkness 8: Seraphon 9: Disciples of Tzeentch 10: Nighthaunt The Most Winning Faction: This chart represents the primary faction identified by players who are winning events. . 6 Spirit Hosts: 240 Points. 2000 points, tournament haunt . Drops: 11. Id also agree that the core of any NH list should probably be a GoS, Spirit Torment and at least 2x20 Chainrasp. 13th/14th May 2023. . With the point drops, most nighthaunt lists are running two strong leaders to get more damage and utility. The Black Coach is supposed to be the Nighthaunt centerpiece unit so that's probably why. Purchased individually these models would be AUD$320 without discount,. It involved 62 players vying to be crowned champion in a 5-game tournament. 50. The Warhammer. Army Faction: Nighthaunt - Army Subfaction: The Scarlet Doom - Grand Strategy: Dismantle the Brave LEADER Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (155)* - General - Command Traits: Spiteful Spirit - Artefacts: Soulfire RingPosted January 11, 2020. What advice can you give me? Thanks! ++ Pitched Battle GHB 2022 1,500 (Death - Nighthaunt) [1,455pts] ++ + Leader + Guardian of Souls [150pts]: General Reikenor the Grimhailer [190pts] + Behemoth + Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur [480pts]January 24, 2023 Top 3 Lists Leave a comment. Lady Olynder. . You know the slogans, but ol’ Khorne has been hit by hard times in the Mortal Realms. It’s a new army debut for the Nighthaunt, as Beard takes out this spookiest of forces to the Mortal Realms, to do battle with the noble Stormcast Eternals, headed up by Bard! 🎥 Want even more Tabletop Tactics videos?Bell of Lost Souls 2006-2023. 2000 point list CC. Black Coach: 240 Points. Give him Cloaked in Shadow as his Command Trait and Beacon of Nagashizzar as his Relic. Does anyone have a 2000-point Scarlet Doom list they can share? Please and thank you. This is the top three AoS lists for Clash of Swords. Continue reading Top Three AoS Lists for Smash & Bash 2023 →Nighthaunt Tournament List. Allegiance . Allegiance: Nighthaunt. Remove the 20 Chainrasps and pick instead 10x Dreadscythe Harridans and 10x Grimghast Reapers. As Nagash prepares to conquer the Mortal Realms,. Posted by u/mooncows100 - 7 votes and 12 commentsTOTAL: 2000/2000. General, Ruler of the Spirit Host. 0 Points Review. TOTAL POINTS: 1985/2000. The list combines all the top Warhammer 40k lists for 9th edition ITC events only, taking only the top three lists from each Major or GT level event. Magos Sockbert: The Spirit Torment was the lynchpin of a lot of Nighthaunt lists, with it being hotly debated whether his healing ability or his re-roll hit rolls of 1 aura was more valuable. $1,179. All things said, if you have 45 points to spare in your list, taking the mounted version is well worth the points over the foot version. Martial. Realm rules are in (half the missions are Ghyran, half Chamon), realm spells are in, realms of origin are in - all of which I'm very unfamiliar with. The Nighthaunt came away with a fun ruleset here. by dugdigdoug88. I had actually already built and primed everything I would need for my 2,000-point Tallyband army back when I did the first 1,000 points, so it made it a bit easier to. All NIGHTHAUNT units in your army gain the keyword of that subfaction, and you can use the allegiance abilities for that subfaction. Army Faction: Soulblight Gravelords – Army Type: Vyrkos. New AoS and Nighthaunt player! List C&C please 😁. This strategy is not for every list - but many Nighthaunt lists will have 6+ Galletian Veterans and when that is the case, this is a strong pick. Before I jump into the Top Three AoS Lists, I wanted to remind everyone. It’s actually the army that got me interested in Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. This was followed by the Nighthaunt release, so my Nurgle stuff got shelved for a while. 6 Spirit Hosts: 240 Points. I'm realizing I cant fit everything I love in the same list but wanted to start with Emerald Host because it seems easy to grasp for a beginner. Otherwise, this list clearly surprised the opposition, with multiple wins against traditionally fast armies (nighthaunt and Big Waagh), although the one loss to SBG isn’t unexpected. Wounds: 162. This is the top three AoS lists for Wargames for Warriors that took place in Utah, USA on the 20th and 21st of May. The Troggboss takes Loonskin for a free endless spell (in this case the Scuttletide), then there’s a solid core of Troggs (new and improved with enhanced survivability) as well as somehow having enough points left over to cram in some Boingrot Bounderz, a Mangler Squig and 40 dorks to sit on a point. BATTLELINE. Kris Robertson – Cities of Sigmar:. BATTLELINE. On a 4+ save target unbuffed you’re just barely averaging 2 damage with 5 guard shooting. Declan’s Gallery. Standing (well, acrobatically leaping) between the Nighthaunt and Har Kuron is High Gladiatrix Yelena, an arena fighter famed across her city. by dugdigdoug88. They’re 100 points per model and take. Scarlet Doom is getting a lot of play now and with a list like this it’s potentially adding 5 to 6 mortals every time the Bladegheist charge. Its light on model count and thus, lags in the activation race. Spirit Torment - 120 pts. He packages all of this into a one-drop Battle. It performed 3/1 playing various factions. The increase in rend is particularly useful when you don’t face Nighthaunt. We can see the minimum/maximum number of models to have in a unit plus the points cost respectively. The Nighthaunt Warband Box is the perfect place to start a Nighthaunt warband. For a 2000 point list you will likely use 3 of them (possibly 2 and the named variant Shalaxi) because these things are the workhorse of your army, so we’re going to talk about them a lot. Subfaction: The Emerald Host LEADERS Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (130) Spirit Torment (120) Guardian of Souls (150) BATTLELINE Spirit Hosts (130) 2x Chainrasps (200) BEHEMOTH Black Coach (270) Reaper Scythe TOTAL POINTS: 1000/1000 Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App. Top Eight AoS Lists for the Las Vegas Open 2023 - Woehammer. This list relies on a central castle built around the Krulghast Cruciator and it’s aura of -1 damage. Alex here and I'm back with a new army list and breakdown video. command in the same phase without a command point being spent. 20 x Chainrasps (220) 20 x Chainrasps (220) 20 x Grimghast Reapers (320) BEHEMOTH. Guardian of Souls is a must, though. The playgroup I regularly play with (The Ham Fam) recently decided to have a little Gardenhammer action to celebrate the launch of 3rd edition and shake some of the rust off that many of us have from lockdown. Cauldron (+ Hag and Medusa also buildable in addition) – 545 points – £47. I play pretty much exactly this list. It contains 4 Myrmourn Banshees, 4 Glaivewraith Stalkers, and 5 Grimghast Reapers, 1 of which can be built as an Extoller of Shyish. Summer Slaughter 2023. The Most Played Faction: This chart represents the primary faction identified by players when submitting their lists. Soul Wars: Taking Nighthaunts to 2000 Points. ; Main standing for units available in the main game. My first list is going to be a two drop, as I think being able to choose to go second will be a way to give the army a boost. Although the Soul Wars may be over and a wave of life energy surges through the Mortal Realms, the Nighthaunt are far from defeated. New to nighthaunt, considering the batttlebox legion of grief, what models would you recommend I add to boost this to a fun 2000 point army. 7: Maggotkin of Nurgle. Was a fun start. This is the top three AoS lists for the CCBB2023 – Age Of Sigmar Championship that took place in the Canada on the 19th and 20th of August. Our Friends. After looking at the Nighthaunt struggles and low win rate % from the last vid. Continue reading Top Three AoS. Lord Commander Bastian and the Stormcast Eternals take on the Krulghast Cruciator and the Nighthaunt in this 2000 point battle report!Follow us on Instagram. And as always remember the golden rule: Wargaming is supposed to be fun. The Top Three AoS Lists. 2*4 is enough to cover your entire 3k army from magic, more reliably than any unbind. Staff member. With the point drops, most nighthaunt lists are running two strong leaders to get more damage and utility. Build Your List. I never really played AoS and just want a fun list that feels somewhat powerful. If it does so, that command must be received by a friendly Nighthaunt unit. Games Workshop has shown off quite a few models from the new Nighthaunt range. They might not. I was thinking of removing one squad of spirit hosts for another hero that hits hard. Grimghast Reapers (x20) : 320 Hexwraiths (x10): 320 Hexwraiths (x10): 320 Bladeghiests (x10): 175 Bladeghiests (x10): 175. Because the tournament has 20 or less players we won’t be commenting on the lists. The warband box contains the Nighthaunt card pack and. As this event had less than 20 players attending there won’t be any list comments here as the. CTC Age of Sigmar Championship Open (CAN) 22. March 5th, 2023: 1: Stormcast Eternals 2: Gloomspite Gitz 3: Slaves to Darkness 4: Lumineth Realm-Lords 5: Sylvaneth 6: Ogor Mawtribes 7: Nighthaunt 8: Idoneth Deepkin 9: Daughters of Khaine 10: Fyreslayers. Looking for critiques on my Nighthaunt list I plan to try out once UK restrictions…These deadly arenas are presided over by the High Gladiatrixes, spectacular death-dealers who are every bit as scary as the name suggests. Autumn 2023 AoS GT that took place in the UK on the 28th and 29th of October. But you would need a lot of attacks to actually go through. 1 x Black Coach (290) - Reaper Scythe. We’ve written three themed, 2,000 point lists, designed to offer new collection opportunities, unusual play styles and a balance between tabletop effectiveness and thematic wackiness. Would appreciate opinion on the Hexwraiths (using Reikenors) for movement and objective grabbing vs Harridans for…The ratings and comments are based on competitive play at 2000 points. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Battle Tactics (GHB2023) Battle Tactics: Chilling Ploys Game Type: 2000 Points - Battlehost GHB 2023 Rules Grand Strategy: Dismantle the Brave + Malign Sorcery + Endless Spell: Purple Sun of Shyish [90pts] ++ Total: [1,970pts] ++ Created with BattleScribe Meet the Nighthaunt, a legion of vengeful spirits doomed to dole out punishment in the name of Nagash, in this Age of Sigmar army guide. The Nighthaunt are the third Age of Sigmar army revealed for Realms of Ruin, a tide of spiteful spooks beholden to the god Nagash. . Reactions: Unas the slayer. I am looking for tips on improving my list: List Name: Nighthaunt 2000pts Emerald Host Procession Allegiance: Nighthaunt Procession: Emerald Host. Continue reading Top Three AoS Lists for Wargames for Warriors 2023 → Here's my draft of a competetive 2k Nighthaunt list - suggestions more than welcome: Army Faction: Nighthaunt Subfaction: The Emerald Host Grand Strategy: Hold the Line LEADERS Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed* - General - Command Trait: Hatred of the Living - Artefacts of Power: Slitter Cairn Wraith Guardian of Souls - Spells: Seal of Shyish Nagash, the Great Necromancer, is the God of all dead and undead, the most powerful being in Shyish, the Realm of Death. Hey everyone. This ties in well with the many rules that tie in to the terrified function of Aura of. FromTheShire, B Phillip York, Marcille "Marcy" Donato and Will "Loxi" Angarella-November 16, 2023. Squigs are some of the most entertaining units in the Gloomspite roster and maybe the whole game. The Reddit community for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar and the Mortal RealmsTake a look at over 2000 points of the best the Custodes units they have to offer! Dark Bunny Creatives has painted up an amazing Adeptus Custodes 2000+ point army. I’ve played AOS since Beasts of Chaos got. LEADER. Due to COVID we never got a massive points overhaul last year, so a lot of point values have been sitting around for 2 years without being touched unless you got one of. This is my attempt at a fairly competitive list with our new point changes. Nighthaunt subfactions are called Processions, and each one favors a different style of play. Haunters of the Realms feels fun and flavourful. Lord Executioner (80) - Artefact : Headsman's Judgement. Advertisement. Haunted Territories allow players to interact with your territories in a meaningful way. Add 1 to the dice roll if that unit is terrified. 2000 point list CC. A place for AoS Nighthaunt players to discuss events, share pictures, make lists etc. Chapter Approved: War Zone Nephilim + HQ + High Marshal Helbrecht. It saw 14 players vying to be crowned champion in a 5-game tournament. This is how I painted a 2000pts Age of Sigmar, Scary Nighthaunt army, in under 30 hours. Hover to zoom. Total: 1950 / 2000 Reinforced Units: 3 / 4 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 102 Drops: 9. A comparison & analysis of top competitive matched play tournament Idoneth Deepkin lists for. Army Faction: Nighthaunt - Grand Strategy: Dominating Presence - Triumphs: Indomitable. . - Subfaction: The Scarlet Doom. In this Warhammer Age of Sigmar Battle Report JT brings out Ogor Mawtribes Underguts Vs Kel and his Nighthaunt Scarlet Doom 2000 point 3rd Edition, with the 2023 GHB. 10 x Hexwraiths (340)*. TOTAL POINTS: (1995/2000) JTJ . Allegiance: Nighthaunt. Any thoughts are welcome. 10: Beasts of Chaos. This gives a. Wounding on a 4+ nets 9 wounds on each attack action and 6 wounds when wounding on a 5+. What a bizarre matchup. 1 x Awlrach the Drowner (170)* - General. FromTheShire, B Phillip York, Marcille "Marcy" Donato and Will "Loxi" Angarella-November 16, 2023. Lore of Nighthaunt Army. Nighthaunt lore and aesthetic. As a note, the army lists will go over 2000 points because the event had a unique rule to include an appropriate. They might not win you any tournaments, but we can guarantee they’ll give you some memorable games. 2023 MiniWarGaming Inc. Based on the pricing, GW seems to give about $60-$70+ of value in their AoS Vanguard boxes (and generally much better deals than 40k). Brett: Another resurgent faction in Nighthaunt demonstrating some more of the depth of the new battletome. A selection of key Nighthaunt units, from cruel Grimghasts to swarming Spirit Hosts Start a new army or expand an existing collection while saving money Contains 34 plastic miniaturesBlood for the Blood God, Skulls for the Skull throne. 59 average and 10 will do 5. Nighthaunt Processions. Khorne always brings the punch, and this list is one of the punchiest. 4th - Pietro Paolo Cardinale - Nighthaunt. Lord Executioner: 80 Points. In 2018, the cruise port handled 250. Back when the Nighthaunt first came out with the launch of 2nd edition, they actually released two new technical paints designed to work specifically with them, Nighthaunt Gloom and Hexwraith Flame. This is the top three AoS lists for Smash & Bash that took place in the USA on the 22nd and 23rd of April. 5 x Hexwraiths (150)TOTAL POINTS: (2000/2000) Advertisements. A 1st edition launch army and one of the earlier books for 2nd. Battletome: Nighthaunt is coming – and with it, three terrifying, never-before-seen named characters from the Mortal Realms. It saw 33 players fighting to be crowned Champion. 7: Daughters of Khaine. 3: Seraphon. Led by Lady Olynder, the Mortarch of Grief, the Nighthaunt are a formidable force on the…If you want to play 1,000 points open play then the below list is fine, if you’re playing 1,000 matched play then you’ll need Kraken Eater & Warmstomper or 2 Kraken-Eaters. 40 Chainrasp with the support of a Guardian of Souls are really nasty. That's a lot of returned models that are already decently hard to get through. ++ Pitched Battle 2,000 (Death: Legions of Nagash and Nighthaunt) [1990pts] ++ Leader + Arkhan the Black, Mortarch of Sacrament [320pts] Guardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern [140pts]: Chill Blade Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed [140pts] Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief [240pts]Is my first time making an scarlet doom list and made some major changes to what I used to bring with me (used to play emerald host), thinking on bringing this list to my next game day. On the weekend Games Workshop finally announced new Vanguard sets, 3 in total, Skaven, Daughters of Khaine and Nighthaunt. I can provide better pictures of specific units if asked. Total: 1000 / 1000 Extra Command Points: 1 Allies: 0 / 200 Wounds: 61. See moreBattle Tactics (GHB2023) Battle Tactics: Chilling Ploys Game Type: 2000 Points - Battlehost GHB 2023 Rules Grand Strategy: Dismantle the Brave + Malign Sorcery +. Guardian of Souls – 140 Points, Leader 3 of 4. Guardian of Souls (135) - Maul of Judgement - Artefacts: Lightshard of the Harvest Moon. 50. + $57. world, the Talisaman world, and the Warhammer 40,000 universe are either ®, TM and/or. The 2 things I am unsure of are the Cairn Wraith and the Chainghasts. 7: Cities of Sigmar. Arena of Shades is the newest boxed set for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, and it arrives for pre-order this weekend. Not looking to be ultra competitive but also don't want to get dumpstered every. is it more enjoyable to assembled and paint them afterwards no matter what competitive list should play or not isn't just worth of time if you don't like it. 3 x Knight of Shrouds on. Okay, if it is bodies and hitting power, I think AOS 3. 2nd place nighthaunt tournament list tech. 4 Grimghast Reapers -140 (per 10. Nighthaunts (the most experienced player) and Gloomspite Gitz (the best painted models army). GHB 22-23 Nighthaunt list, C&C Welcome! So, here's the list. 0 is looking at many small units at the moment. Inn at Laurel Point, Victoria, British Columbia, Victoria: Vacation resort guide for Inn at Laurel Point featuring deals, packages, reviews, photos, video, rates, number of rooms,. Festivals & Events. 2023 World Championships 40k Player Profile: Jack Harpster. 10 x Hexwraiths (340)*. Thunder Lizards is a solid subfaction, and. Although the Soul Wars may be over and a wave of life energy surges through the Mortal Realms, the Nighthaunt are far from defeated. CryptoThis gives a global view of what is potent and winning games out there in the competitive scene. total points: (2000/2000) So it’s a Krondspine list, Jim, but not as we know it! The changes from the Kaleb inspired lists of previous weeks are that it’s Host Arcanum rather than Guild of Summoners, cutting out the Call for Change battle tactic (summoning a Lord of Change) but allowing for a variety of units to be summoned (probably. February 19th, 2023: 1: Slaves to Darkness 2: Stormcast Eternals 3: Gloomspite Gitz 4: Nighthaunt 5: Sylvaneth 6: Lumineth Realm-Lords 7: Ogor Mawtribes 8: Daughters of Khaine 9: Ironjawz 10: Fyreslayers. Jan 1, 2017 1,821 Northern Italy. But he once was a mortal whose story predates the Mortal Realms and starts in the World-That-Was in the long forgotten kingdom of Khemri. Age of Sigmar – 6 Nations 2023 – Lists & Pairings Download. This is the top three AoS lists for Border War 2023 that took place in the Albury, Australia on the 29th and 30th of April. 87. 2023 | 0 Comments. [2000] - Sylvaneth - Trees with magic By: 2022/06/24 13:49:40. 4: Sons of Behemat. It's important to have at least one fast mover to grab treasure. As this event had less than 20 players attending there won’t be any list comments here as the. Roland Rivera: In a somewhat unusual twist for a Khorne Bloodlords list, this one features a mix between Bloodletters and Bloodcrushers (expected), Khorne mortal units (unexpected), and Allies (even more unexpected). Soul Cage, Chill Blade. Units (1030/2000) Chainrasp Horde x40 (280) (Battleline) Grimghast Reapers x30 (420) (Battleline) Spirit Hosts x3 (120) (Battleline) Myrmourn Banshees x12 (210) Behemoths Black Coach (220) Total (2000) points - 133 Wounds It should be fun to play against anyway, because I think it’s a pretty cool-looking army. So mostly small but good news for Nighthaunt honestly. After all, with the Dawnbringer Crusades cutting a bloody swath through the realms in the name of Order, the inevitable casualties of war usher a bounty of fresh new souls into the clutches of Death. 2000 / 2000. Jun 5,. It has so much bulk and raw hitting power that it overwhelms the enemy before they even have a chance to strike back. But it turned into an obsession and I bought almost all the nighthaunt models and built a 2k scarlet doom army in two months. a few ideas that come to my mind in this list are:Yeah, Lady O. Soul Wars: Taking Nighthaunts to 2000 Points. Hey Haunters, I'm a rather new Nighthaunt player who brewed up a new 2000 point list and I would like to hear what the community thinks of it. General- Lady Olynder: 340 Spells- Soul Cage, Seal of Shyish. Army Faction: Idoneth Deepkin. Competitive Play. The 2 things I am unsure of are the Cairn Wraith and the Chainghasts. Credit: Michael O "Mugginns". 9: Fyreslayers. We got our copy of the General’s Handbook 2018 early and noticed that there were quite a few Nighthaunt units listed that DIDN’T have models yet. Hello, i hope you guys can help me out. 2nd place nighthaunt tournament list tech. I do have a good amount of other stuff and leaders so any ideas or lists are appreciated. Before I jump into the Top Three AoS Lists, I wanted to remind everyone of. It involved 8 players vying to be crowned champion in a 5-game tournament. Allegiance: Nighthaunt: The Emerald Host Game Options + Game Type: 2000 Points - Battlehost Grand Strategy: Feed on Terror, Sever the Head Malign Sorcery + Endless Spell: Umbral Spellportal [70pts] ++ Total: [2,000pts] ++ the second list replaces the 20 man chainrasps with another 5 man of hexwraiths Always good to include a dreadblade as well, for general teleport shenanigans. Choose your planHello, I`m back into AoS. March 5th, 2023: 1: Slaves to Darkness 2: Stormcast Eternals 3: Gloomspite Gitz 4: Sylvaneth 5: Nighthaunt 6: Ogor Mawtribes 7: Lumineth Realm-Lords 8: Daughters of Khaine 9: Ironjawz 10: Maggotkin of Nurgle The Most Winning Faction: This chart represents the primary faction identified by players who are winning events. This list is pretty self-explanatory; heroes cast spells, cultists bog the enemy down, and Varanguard clean up the rest. On a 4+ save target unbuffed you’re just barely averaging 2 damage with 5 guard shooting. 1 x Guardian of Souls (150) - Chill Blade - Spells: Shademist. Guardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern [140pts]: 1. This is the top three AoS lists for the Invasion AoS 2023 that took place in the Norway on the 23rd and 24th of September. 10 x Hexwraiths (340)*. LEADERS Lady Olynder (340)* Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (150)** - GeneralArmy Faction: Nighthaunt - Army Subfaction: The Quicksilver Dead - Grand Strategy: A Soul to Claim - Triumphs: Bloodthirsty. A place for AoS Nighthaunt players to discuss events, share pictures, make lists…Different colour schemes used on NIGHTHAUNT miniatures. 5th - Jordy Naponiello - Ironjawz. For me, its the most competent all comers list ive played with nighthaunt yet. I decided to focus on the Nighthaunts side of the box because they seemed more interesting than the Stormcast models. Triumph: Bloodthirsty LEADERS Guardian of Souls (150)TOTAL POINTS: (1990/2000) Roland Rivera:. Any advice is welcome 😁. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. As always third party stores offer between 15% and 20% discount, which could reduce this to about $306 AUD. 2000 Point Nighthaunt list. I want to use some more of what I have before I buy anything more so this leaves me with the following to pick from. Using nighthaunt models I (mostly) already have available I've put together this list. 10: Maggotkin of Nurgle. The nighthaunt list is actually 800 points, so you'd not be able to field it at 750, and it has a lot of. As it has been a couple of weeks. I want to make 4 different lines there: the Hexwraiths with the Coach, one Spirit Torment (General) with unkillable Spirit Hosts, one Spirit Hosts with the Chainrasps and the Guardian with the Bladegheists. Ethan: Nate Trentanelli has proven he can win with a variety of armies and so it is only fitting that he see success with current meta darling, Nighthaunt. My own personal Nighthaunt list from early 2019 had what would now be 8. can i build a good 2000 point army with this? From what i gather is that fighting to the death ans charge ASAP are traps for nighthaunt and thats its overal better to play defensively and play. if you’re that dedicated you can always slowly get both 😬 I have 9k points worth of Nighthaunt painted up and emerald host/scarlet doom are my. Looking to build a Nighthaunt band using tempest of souls as the base but will want spirit hosts eventually. Regardless you'll for sure want Chainrasp, at least a unit of 40 then 2x10 mans for now, the other thing is, you can just forgo the 2-3 hard hitting units and do the Horde Chainrasp list, as they can be buffed up a lot for melee, that is a harder list to play and is much easier to be counter, but its also crazy sight to be seen with 4x40 of. You have enough for a 2000 pt list and with that I would go with more heros, I like to use as many as I can but don’t sleep on your front line. This tournament did unusually allow the new Seraphon book…. 2K subscribers in the Nighthaunt community. Looking back at what came in your first 1000 points: Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed – 140 Points, Leader 1 of 4. all the Age of Sigmar tournament results (complete with clickable links to the lists); or. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. 3 x Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed. Dreadblade Harrow -General - Ruler of the Spirit Hosts Guardian of Souls -Shademist and Wychlight Lantern Guardian of Souls. Kris Robertson – Cities of Sigmar:. Grand Strategy: No Place for the Weak. LEADER. Kurdross can thief 2 command points now. Most processions are assemblages of tortured spirits that are summoned as the need arises. The rats are back in town and with the release of Carrion Empire and their new battletome they are better than ever. With buffs, 5 with all out will do 2. One such warrior, Yelena, was so eager to test her skills against the Nighthaunt that she simply rushed out into the streets, followed by a growing throng of acrobatic killers. Guardian of Souls – 140 Points, Leader 3 of 4. Here’s a complete guide to Warhammer’s Age of Sigmar armies: The Grand Alliances of Chaos, Death, Destruction, and Order. Spirit Torment – 120 Points, Leader 4 of 4. BATTLELINE. The list below is a great stepping stone to a. Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. Hello folks, looking for feedback on the following list. REVIEW: Nighthaunt Battletome - The Rules. Combat Patrol: Orks – Beginners 1,000 Point Army. Norsehammer Open 2023 - AOS Allegiance: Beasts of Chaos - Greatfray: Gavespawn - Grand Strategy: Protect the Herdstone - Triumphs: Inspired Leaders Beasts of Chaos Tzaangor Shaman (135) - General - Command Trait: Unravelling Aura - Lore of the Twisted Wilds: Tendrils of Atrophy Dragon Ogor Shaggoth (155. Even though, you seem to be forgetting about the other two new 'core' Command Abilities ("Forward to Victory" & "At the Double") and, from the Nighthaunt Battletome, the "Spectral Summons" one. Nighthaunt are fragile, so the healing helped a lot, but an army that generally hits on 4+ and has a number of.